AKIHIRO is an upcoming voice library for Japanese, English, Russian and Swedish
This masculine vocal is animated with a hint of tensity; with your input, AKIHIRO can sing anything! Just select a note, type in your lyrics, and watch him go!
Character Information:
Full name: Akihiro Hashimoto
Age: late 20s
Height: 183cm (6’0”)
Occupation: Computer Engineering Professor
Diagnosis: Illness Anxiety Disorder
VA: Anonymous
“It’s a bit difficult due to my Health Anxiety, but I learned to persevere. Reaching that point was a strenuous task - it’s hard to function normally with the fear of becoming severely ill. Not even test results proving otherwise could ease my anxiety, and there was a time where that stress left me barely functioning.
I’d read about anxiety and other mental health topics in the past, but reading isn’t nearly as intense as experiencing. The physical symptoms of anxiety pushed my concerns further. It was only after coming across people’s personal accounts that I recognized the connection and sought out mental help, rather than physical.
Now I work to provide the same support for those who find themselves in a similar situation to mine.
I hope you’ll join me in my mission to help those who suffer from mental illness!”

Support AKIHIRO’s development by buying his merch!
Profits made from Harmony Frontiers’ promotional merchandise go back into the organization’s projects and operational expenses. If you want to see one of our projects made, please consider buying an item from our webstore! Our rate of progress highly depends on funding. Every ounce of your support pushes us a little closer to fruition!